Dry Multi-Claw Vacuum Pumps

DZM 600-1200 VSD⁺ – Multi-claw Dry Vacuum pump with VSD⁺ technology

A complete multi-claw vacuum pumping system in a box. A solution perfectly designed to meet your larger process demands.

Type Number of
Nominal Displacement Ultimate
Vacuum Level
Permissible Ambient
Temperature Range
Inlet Connection
Exhaust Connection
Shaft power
minimum / maximum
m3/h @50Hz grid** cfm @60Hz grid*** mbar hgv Torr °C °F Flange Flange kW hp
DZM 600 VSD⁺ 2 604 383 150 25.5 112.5 0 – 40 32 – 105 DN80 DN80 1,5 – 15,9 2,0 – 25,2
DZM 900 VSD⁺ 3 874 569 150 25.5 112.5 0 – 40 32 – 105 DN100 DN100 1,5 – 22,0 2,0 – 37,3
DZM 1200 VSD⁺ 4 1143 755 150 25.5 112.5 0 – 40 32 – 105 DN100 DN100 1,5 – 28,4 2,0 – 49,7
  • *US 60Hz Versions supplied with ANSI adaptor flanges.
  • Figures based on 50Hz operation, 400 V.
  • **Figures based on lead pump with 20 to 60Hz operation, subsequent pumps operating at 50Hz, 400 V.
  • ***Figures based on lead pump with 20 to 60Hz operation, subsequent pumps operating at 60Hz.
  • Pumping speed based on air at 20°C. Tolerance +/-10%.
  • Shaft power based on one pump at minimum speed 1200rpm and maximum power achieved when lead pump is at 60Hz operation and lag pumps at 50Hz.